9 Feb 2021

Dear friend,

This is David Darseli Santana, certified educator from the State of California:)

I want to share with you what I am working towards and still lacking (unfortunately, I feel we all need to be a little more Pro Active in Issues that Affect us All).

I look at the following definitions and I see myself and most of humanity in this same predicament:


feeling so satisfied with our own abilities 
or situation that we feel we do not 
need to try any harder.

a feeling of calm satisfaction with our own abilities 
or situation that prevents us from trying harder.

1: marked by self-satisfaction especially 
when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies.

Looking at these definitions, I believe this is our greatest enemy...to conform to mediocrity instead of conviction and determination for the salvation of all humanity.

We are taught in this Western Ruled Society to look the other way if it does not involve us personally, or if it does, ignore it and be complacent with situations seeing no solution of greatness of true positive
change in our surroundings and in our own minds.

I believe in this Western Society we are taught to be "individualistic" in order for those in power to keep us from truly being united for true change in our lives in our surroundings and in our minds.

What are we to do?

I believe God wants us to be proactive and truly united in a unselfish way to help us, our neighbors, and our future children of the world.

But, many of us, including myself, fall into the trap of complacency...not willing to walk the extra mile.

I am writing to you to express a Strong desire for your help in keeping each other accountable in making true change in our lives, in our minds, in our neighborhoods, and in our world.

I am asking us to be united to a cause greater than ourselves...where each of us works together to share the load of tasks to truly make positive change in this world.

I know it is hard to try to convince ourselves to do this, since it is easier to do the easy and the complacent. ...and to just focus on our petty and not far-reaching goals which lack true change in our 
lives, in our minds, in our communities, and in the world at large.

I am asking for your help in uniting and bringing together a Name for our Union in this effort to help our minds, and our neighbors, and our families, and the world.

I am asking you to help us be brave, take courage, take the time, to effectuate true positive change in our minds, our neighborhoods, our families, and the world.

Can you consider this?

We cannot trust governments to truly serve the people, the masses. We can see that they are not working in our overall benefit. And this is because governments are ruled by the evil Elite.

Such examples are endless of deficiencies in governments to truly help the masses:

1) Capitalism at the expense of the masses:
>unregulated Home Loan Scams persist, Unregulated Soaring Housing rental prices persist unchecked by government (hence we have a growing homeless population).

2) Foods we eat are intentionally not adequately regulated by government for the people since now they have introduced Genetic Foods that have proven to be harmful to our bodies...especially our intestines.

3) Wars...both small and large scale are placed into action by the Elite of the World to control resources, and to displace small businesses...especially regional farmers such as those found in Latin America 
and across the globe...including this country.

It would be ignorant to say that the Bible has Not been tampered with...omissions and additions have been put into place in the Bible that 

God gave us a mind to think and to use...and ultimately, we are all connected to our one True God, the Father in Heaven.

Complacency and Inaction in the Bible include, but is not limited to:

>Not giving us our true origin of existence before we entered this world. We are eternal yet the Bible restricts this fact by such books as the current and altered book of Genesis.

This is not true: we have always been and that history has been omitted from the Bible to our detriment. Why would the Elite rulers of the world do this? REASON NUMBER 1: To Keep us from our True spiritual 
powers.  We are in these prison bodies (easily manipulated by demons by way of hormones and other mechanisms), we do not remember and are not encouraged to 
find our true spiritual powers. We are taught to be complacent and not to truly unite with our eternal selves, our true spiritual selves!

>The Bible says....submit to our authorities very plainly and vaguely in order to keep us from true action in making a positive change for all humanity and for rebellion as necessary against
evil governments that do not do good for the masses, including this Jewish state called the United States of America.

And so I ask you for your help in creating a Untied Front to confront all the ills that our in our minds, in our families, in our neighborhoods, in our world...and for us to effectuate true change for us and 
for all. 

Can you take courage! Can you take the baby steps to get rid of our complacency that does not allow us to know our true selves, our potential, our love, our power?

I hope you can take that step in helping me create a United Front for true change.

There is power in numbers and so I am reaching out to you!

Sincerely yours in God the Father,

David Darseli Santana

Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. 



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