
 Hey Mario.

Sorry for having to be rude and not letting you know ahead of time on how things work around here. I don’t want you to feel rejected or feel that I have anything against you because I don’t.  You are a chill down to earth guy who has a lot to offer through the gifts God has blessed you with,  

However, I am running an AIRBNB right now with specific guidelines that tenants must follow that are stated in our lease agreement should they want to rent my place out like the Janice clan who pay $1,500.00 / mo to stay here and I have to abide by my own rules until I finish with all the renovations and leave to LA.  Then Mary takes over my operations once I leave.

Anyways, I don’t mind you coming over, but it would have to be in the day time and if you stay the night you’d have to follow our schedule and sleep at night time to avoid issues that come from sleep deprivation which I will have to ask them to leave once I see them tripping and not making sense anymore where they start getting irritable and so on.  It’s normal, happens all the time.  I just don’t have time to deal with any of it or try to explain myself to the point of exhaustion like I did with others in the past.   I always have bud to take off the edge and help  people relax so they can get some rest and feel better the next morning when we wake up we will be refreshed to tackle everything that needs to get done the next day.

I can’t have traffic coming here especially after hours where people are thinking my house is a party pad where they feel they can squat at my house.  

I don’t have time to argue with anyone about anything especially when they’ve been up for a while and will ask them to leave since there is no point in wasting time talking about things that are not going to build each other up or get things done.

So Zach has passed away, here’s the fundmego page -

Fundraiser by Arie Rivera : Zachary Isaiah Johnson (

I understand where you are coming from since this lifestyle is a dead end where you are surrounded by low life scumbags that constantly lie, manipulate, steal, cheat, even sell their own mothers for a rock that it’s hard to trust anybody which is why my circle is small and keep it that way for a reason.  

Even though we’ve known each other for 4 years, we’ve never hung out before so naturally you’d think I’m like everyone else.  But I am too old to be playing games or deal with any kind of drama which is a colossal waste of time having to deal with any negative energy or anything that risks me losing what I’ve built which will be removed from my life right away if it don’t change or the same issue continues to be a problem where it starts distracting me from what needs to get done,

In regards to lying about ‘making money’, I was trying to redirect your energy into something productive and focus on something else instead of having to be stuck in your head that becomes contagious focusing on things that aren’t productive

Anyways, I wasn’t lying about anything…

I tried showing you a video (4) We Make $3K/Month Selling Trash | Side Hustles - YouTube

I pulled up my sales so you can see everything I was saying is real

But everything kept leading to an argument where it was time to get sleep and reset

But I run an LLC  under Animex which is my real estate business and AIRBNB

I am a power seller on ebay, mercari, marketplace, and so on.

Mercari: Your Marketplace | Mercari

There is tons of inventory that are in the closets that still need to get listed since I’ve been busy with the janice clan, divorce, and deal with medical issues.

Instead of getting caught up in a bunch of drama with a bunch of people who can care less if you live or die, focus on yourself and do things that will benefit you.  At the end, it’s the only person who will have your back.  

But I wish you luck in your journey through life where you meet people that are going to help you where you want to be in life and help and encourage you to become a better person and make your dreams into a reality.




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